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Raventuft: Image


"Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own head."
"It hurts when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were."
"We sometimes think we want to disappear, but all we want is to be found."

Important Information

Current Name: Raventuft

Former Names: Ravenkit, Ravenpaw

Name Meaning: Raven-The colour of his pelt; Tuft- His ear tufts

Nickname: Batman

Age (In Moons): 48 Moons Old

Gender: Tom, Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: Leo

Other Information

Italics- Deceased/Missing

Current Affiliation: Shadowclan

Rank: Warrior

Former Ranks: Kit, Apprentice

Past Mentor: OPEN

Apprentice: Robinpaw (@Browneyedfox)

Family and Relationships

Father: OPEN

Mother: OPEN

Siblings: Berrybounce- Half-sibling

Fuzzywing (@PotaDOS)- Twin Sister

Offspring: None Yet

Best Friend(s): OPEN

Friend(s): OPEN

Neutral: OPEN

Acquaintance(s): Berrybounce, Boulderstrike (@Snail-paw)

Enemies: Icestar (@Casper)

Falcondive (@BILL.)

Crush: Hollyshadow (@Fuzzyfeline)

Type: He likes misunderstood cats, as he can relate to them. He is more physically attracted than personality attracted. He is fond of dark-furred cats, especially.



- Hollyshadow (<3)


- Berrybounce

- Fuzzywing

- Robinpaw

- Boulderstrike


- Icestar >:( 

- Falcondive


Overview: Raven is usually quite arrogant towards other cats, shoving them aside, or pushing them away. He is prone to hissy fits and can get into a good fight every once in a while. Cold-heartedness is a firm part of his ego, something that he takes pride in. He believes firmly that being cold-hearted will make him powerful, and get cats to respect him. He is EXTREMELY defensive, and if he catches you snooping around, or if a cat asks a personal question, he gets riled up and snaps at them. Because he is defensive, it is very hard for cats to get close to him, and the ones who he does let in should be very proud. His past is a mystery many haven't cracked, and he is perfectly happy to keep it that way. Aggressiveness is something he uses regularly towards seemingly stupid or rude cats. This, he finds, is the only way to get them to leave you along. Either that, or ignorance, which he is Grade-A at. He is the typical grumpy old neighbor in the movies, to put it in short.

If you plunge a little deeper, he is actually nicer. He holds values that many would be surprised he has, and he is always ready to lend a helping hand. The ones who do see this side are the ones he get embarrassed around. He has always been fiercely loyal, and as much as he disagrees with a cat, a plan, or his clan, for that matter, he will stick with it, through thick and thin. If he agrees grumpily to join your group, you should know he would rather die than leave it, unless he has good reason. This was triggered by his fear of non-acceptance that came from a while back in his kithood. Towards closer cats, he is protective, stopping at nothing to defend them. He will always try to step in the way of an attacker, even when death is a cost. It's a risk he's willing to take. He is also generous, always checking in, offering things desperately. This can lead to massive amounts of clinginess why he finds a cat he likes. Barely any cat gets to see this side of him though, as he is hard to get to know and is extremely honest, much to other cats disliking. If he was told to keep a secret, he would not give a bother and tell the cat anyway. There is nothing standing in the way of his opinions, or his large, tattletail mouth.

Phobias: Other cats knowing too much about him and his past, water, the future, not being accepted

Pros: Loyal, generous

Netural: Protective

Cons: Defensive, aggressive, cold-hearted, extremely honest

Hopes: That he will be accepted

Strengths: Mystique

Weakness: Phobias and cats he cares about

Nightmares: Unknown

Secrets?: Berrybounce is completely oblivious to the fact they are related.

Quirks: He itches himself when he's stressed. This results in some fur loss...

Theme Song: Believer- Imagine Dragons

Voice: Sirius Black|Harry Potter

Backstory: Raven was born in Shadowclan, and lived a pretty average life. He was a good kit, and played with littermates, and listened to the leader. He got into trouble every once in a while. As he grew older, though, and into a 'paw, he was tortured by constant fear and worry about not being accepted, which caused him to run off. This was also the creator of most of his negative traits. Encountering the twolegplace, he discovered his father was having an affair with a local kittypet, much to his surprise. Running off so that he would not be seen, he returned to his clan. His father mysteriously disappeared when he was an apprentice, and he has never returned. As a warrior, his fear is almost invisible. Trying to impress Hollyshadow, he took up an act with Robinkit, trying to show off his true self to get her attention, which ended up with him recieving the young tom as an apprentice. During Icestar's reign the small tom also disappeared, leaving him apprenticeless. He hasn't bothered with any friendly interactions with any cat during Icestar's time in power, and refuses to do so, which has gotten him into cold water with the leader.


Breeds: Bicolour Cat- Tuxedo Cat

Fur Colour(s): Black

Texture: Normal, quite clean

Fur Length: Short

Eye Colour: Amber

Raventuft: Text

©2019 by Little Moons || Last edited on June 21st, 2020

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Stay Safe ♥ 

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