"the world can't stop us now, they try to bring us down but we just burn brighter"
✰ Slatecloud ✰
file 003
Name: Slatecloud slatepaw, slatekit
Meaning: Slate [colouring], cloud [personality]
Nicknames: Slate, Dearest, Cloudie, Ditzy, Love, Darling, Dear
Age: 59 moons
Age at Death: 40 moons
Gender: Female, pansexual
Star Sign: Gemini
Voice: Janelle Monae | hidden figures
Theme Song: Run Free | laney jones
Relationship Theme Song(s):
- Baby Mine | Betty Noyes
- King and Lionheart | of monsters and men
Affiliation: Starclan thunderclan
Rank: Warrior apprentice, kit
Mentor(s): [?]
Apprentice(s): [?]

Personality Evolution
[+] Charming, good-natured, imaginitive
[=] Passionate, sensitive, curious
[-] Restless, unpredictable, snappy
- Was a fangirl before the fangirl
- Constantly stuck in a daydream
- Trusts too easily
- Is prone to randomly bursting into song
- Flustered when embarrassed
- Aquaphobia (Water)
- Hemophobia (Blood)
- Autophobia (Being hated)
- Athazagoraphobia (Being forgotten)
@felidaze's warrior cat creator on picrew <3

- Stonenettle (@Slushie) [mate]
- Irisflame (me) [kit]
- Doetuft (@Arie) [niece]
- Blossomclaw [mother]
- Featherwhisker [father]
- tallmarsh (@Freesia) [acquaintance]
- Beastspark (@Undertaker) [foster brother-in-law]
- Deerstride (npc) [brother]
- Talonstone (@bmkmb) [son-in-law]
- Flintspirit (@RedHead) [foster brother-in-law]
- dovekit (npc) [niece]
Family Tree
by the wonderful @Arie